In typical Amelia fashion, when I asked what her favorite part of her birthday was today, she answered, “It was wonderful. All of it.”
She didn’t mention that we hustled to open her presents before I dashed off to start week #2 on my new job.
She didn’t mention that her cake pops, baked and decorated by her, were enjoyed in between dinner and a quick board meeting to honor her older sister.
She didn’t mention that we haven’t planned her birthday party for her GOLDEN birthday yet because, as aforementioned, week #2 of my new job has started.
Nope. That’s not Amelia.
She’s our “look on the bright side and find the sunshine” kid, and oh how I am grateful for her sweet heart.
Amelia has been this way her whole life. Having a birthday on June 10 meant that for seven years she shared it with my Grandma Mary. She happily had her little cake with Grandma every year. It makes me teary just remembering those sweet parties we had….Grandma, who turned 102 on their last shared birthday, always made sure a personal-sized pink cake with either the letter “A” or flowers were alongside her larger cake.
As a farm kid, her birthday falls during a critical time if the season is less than ideal: see this year and her very first day of life. In 2009, we finished planting beans the night of the 9th, and two hours later, my water broke. Joe dropped me off from the hospital with three kids under four to side dress anhydrous. Parties for Amelia generally involve farmers talking about the rain that won’t stop or the rain that won’t come. Just depends on the year.
But that doesn’t phaze Amelia Jane. She takes it all in stride. Phone calls from her Papa instead of an in-person visit gave her a big smile today. Grandpa Ted walking in at the end of the birthday meal was just fine because Amelia just wants you to be there when you can. She’s happy to go with the flow.
Oh my dearest doll, where did you get this easygoing personality? How I wish that you hold onto this as life gives you more and more hard planting seasons, metaphorically speaking. How I wish I could be more like you in this way, finding more joy and less disappointment. Relishing in the deliciousness of the cake pop, worrying less about the perfection and pomp and circumstance and caring more about the people enjoying the cake pop.
Sweet girl, I’m teary tonight writing this. It’s so cliche, but 10 years with you has gone so fast. I can’t believe that while today our celebrations were snippets of time, being your mom has been one decade of joy. You are a perfect balance in the middle of our family. I need to tell you that I appreciate and love this equilibrium more often.
Keep staying this course of being laid back. Keep your sunshiny personality, even if a season is extra rainy (I’m looking at you, Spring 2019). Keep standing up for yourself when you don’t feel heard. Keep being the wonderful and kind friend that you are and have always been.
We love you, sweet Millie Jane. From that bright eyed newborn to the sunny toddler, budding web designer (she once answered to, Lego master builder, dancer, singer, helper, cattle shower, and soon to be French Horn player (Lord have mercy). We love your spunk. We love your creativity. We love that you are always just YOU.
Happiest of birthdays to you, my dearest doll. Our Golden Girl today!