Today is Jack’s birthday. Could tell by the fact that I am actually sitting down to write? For those of you who still read blogs, especially this dormant one, thanks for sticking with me through the writing drought…which is nothing like our spring, but that’s another blog for another day.
Anyway, Jack.
He’s 8. 8 whole years. 8 years since we welcomed our boy into the family of girls. 8 years since we figured our family was complete with our prodigal son. 8 years since our hands become fuller, and our hearts grew bigger.
Jack is one of those kids who you just never know what’s going to happen next. Call it creativity; call it energy; call it being a Webel Kid. Any way you look at it, it makes life interesting.
The sweet baby turned silly toddler is growing into quite a funny and creative boy. We just never know what story will follow when he pipes up with a “Hey Mom” or “Hey Dad.” Generally speaking, it is something something or some event that could possibly happen or may have happened in an alternative universe, or possibly with an amazing dog or something that could make you parachute out of a window. You just have to wait and see…sometimes for 45 minutes to and from an event, but still.
We are lucky to have our sweet boy. While there are times when I crave a silent car ride to piano lessons or ball practice, I know that my days with my imaginative boy are to be cherished. Those stories he tells are usually fantastically detailed and crafted with the finest of details. While I hear a lot about Sasquatches and flight suits and all the LEGO creations he’ll make, the story I can’t wait to watch unfold is HIS story. The story of our boy.
Happy birthday to you, Jackson Richard. Eight whole years with you in our family makes for a great story, and I am so lucky to be here to help you tell a part of it. Always be kind. Always be funny. Always be awesome.