We are now at the stage with some of our children where they ask,
“Are you going to write me a birthday blog? I like going back and reading those.”
No pressure, right?
Anyway, today is Anna’s 14th birthday, and while I know that she would love for me to share for the 14,000 time that her particular labor and delivery took a grueling 36 hours (you are worth it, Anna, but yikes), today, I’m writing to her as she embarks upon the next chapter of teenagerhood. So, here’s 14 pieces of advice I want you, Anna Grace Webel, to carry with you as you naviate into high school, driving, dating, dressing, doing life.
My sweet girl.
- Be yourself. This is easy, especially for you. I don’t know how your dad and I did it, but you have figured out that who you are is pretty great, and let yourself BE yourself despite influences of our world. It is pretty great to see you just be you. Keep doing that. Be yourself. Always. It’s who God wants you to be.
- Be on time. Yeah, yeah. That’s something that Dad is crazy about, and I’m a little less likely to follow, but it will make for an easier time as you continue to be involved in activities, extra stuff, work, etc. “To be on time is to be early.” Joe Webel
- Grit your teeth. You can make it. There’s stuff you’ll have to do that seems too hard, but if you grit your teeth and struggle through, even muddle through, you can make it. We are here to help you, but we won’t do it for you. Grit your teeth and put your head down when it seems like it’s too much. It’s not. You can do it. Whatever “it” is.
- Love your sisters and brother, even when they’re annoying. You are so good at being our third set of hands. I know that can be overwhelming and seem unfair. There’s a lot of us, and you’re at the top of the heap, so there are times that you’re in charge or you’re helping more than others. We get that. We hear you. Your dad and I, however, have provided you with a built in group of supporters, cheerleaders, friends, confidants. You’re welcome. Now be kind to them. They’ll always be your family. Always be with you.
- That being said, pick your friends wisely. Again, you have done well in this category, so far. We love your sweet friends. You’re going to have lots of opportunities to meet lots of people. Find your people, and when you’re questioning whether or not they’re right, find us. We’ll help.
- Be organized. Need I say more? I’m your mother. Color code your life. Find a good planner. It will serve you well. The. End.
- Be healthy. You’re a great athlete, and we love watching you soar. However, as you move along your life out of organized sports, it will be easy to forget to eat right, drink enough water, exercise, but do it. Believe me. It’s worth it.
- Make your bed. Today included. 🙂
- Plan your life around what you love, not what you think we want you to do. We want you to be YOU. Your dad and I have given you the basics, you get to decide the details. Even if that means planning to go to college far away. I’ll drive or fly. Don’t worry.
- Buy the more expensive hair stuff. Trust in the Deva Curl method. Seriously. Your hair is amazing. Keep buying the good stuff, even when you’re sacrificing and eating Ramen noodles. Good hair and your hair deserves good products.
- With that, be smart with your money. Your dad saved me from a life of awesome shoes and ZERO retirement. It’s important to dress nicely, but it is always important to save and be wise. Dad will help you with that. I’m better at shoes…and hair products (see above).
- Travel. Go abroad. See an area that isn’t like yours. Appreciate the differences. It will make you love home more.
- Keep playing music. Wherever you go, bring your guitar. Sing. Play the piano. These are gifts that you have been given. Use them. Bring joy to others through this gift.
- Trust in God’s plan. I’m serious. My life at your age was planned to be a broadcaster on a big radio station living in a city. How’s that working out for me? Well, it’s working out just as God planned it. Life will be hard. Life will change. Lives will shift and be shaped by the people around you. Follow God’s plan. Follow that still, small voice. You have a faith that astounds me. Keep that close. Live it out loud, without fear. Know that our God has big plans for you.
This is only the tip of the advice iceberg, but you are just at the tip of your life. So much is ahead for you, and I cannot wait to watch it unfold and twist and turn. Your dad and I will always be proud of you. Always. We will always be helpful to you. Always. We will always expect you to do great things, and know that is not pressure or unrealistic, it’s truth. You were born with gifts and talents and skills that will carry you far.
Those 36 hours of labor were hard. The toddler years when you wanted to do it “all by myyyyyyyyself” were hard. Seeing you get on the bus for the first time for school was hard. Watching you figure out your life and win and lose with grace and make choices that are different than mine is hard.
But it’s a good hard.
It’s a feeling that makes me burst with memories that are good: Holding you for the first time. Seeing your face light up when you learned to tie your shoes. Watching you step up and get that medal at State Track when you had worked so hard. Seeing you lead worship and serve a God who loves you and knows you and who you continue to love and get to know.
Anna Grace, there are 14,000 more things I want to tell you. But today, I’ll limit my advice to the number of the day and my parting thought with the most important ones:
We love you. We are proud of you. And we can’t wait to watch you soar.