Sorry friends.
I have done a lot of sharing on Facebook (if you haven’t followed me there, search Confessions of a Farm Wife, and there you go).
I have put pictures on Instagram (again, follow me @emilywebel…evidently I need more friends?).
But blogging has come in a very, very, very distant third.
I would love to have an exotic tale of how Joe and I were whisked away on some summer getaway, or that we all went as a family on some well planned, family friendly vacation.
Unless you consider trips to the pool, grocery store, softball games and endless hours spent refereeing twins who are evidently training to be baby WWE wrestlers vacations, then we’ve just been here, trying to figure out how to do summer with six kids.
So far, so good…I guess. I have to laugh at myself, however. When we first had the twins, folks asked how in the world we were able to get anywhere. The babies were on heart monitors, learning to nurse, etc., etc., but they were NOT MOBILE and OPINIONATED. Mary and Caroline were complacent, compliant, portable newborns.
Not so much.
Mary is working on mastering crawling, and Caroline has been the queen of rolling and rolling and rolling, so when they are in lock down (i.e., their car seats or a stroller), they are miserable.
It’s super fun.
So, getting places is an act of sheer will. Getting out the door is insane (plus, we are currently in the outdoor phase of our construction, so our usual door, with the sidewalk directly to the garage is no longer usable, and if it WOULD STOP RAINING, we could actually start on the final phase of our project. And quit looking like someone who doesn’t care lives in the house…I’m digressing.), and with all the big kids’ activities and their want to go and do, blogging or completing a thought that doesn’t involve logistics of some sort is very low on my totem pole.
However, today, you’re in luck! A whiny post about how I can’t post!!
Anyway, here’s just some basic “what’s going on” on the farm updates to tide you over until I have another stretch of quiet (see you in 2025).
2) Anna has had a few cattle shows, and this one was particularly special to me: my home fair grounds, sponsored by my old high school. Thanks Jen Beard for this beautiful picture, and for confirming the fact that I need a “big girl” camera.
3) As a part of Joe’s job as Ag Teacher, he helps facilitate a lot of community activities. In the summer, there’s a festival per week it seems, and around here, one must have a pedal pull! One of his students constructed a new sled for the pedal pull, and Jack went to test it out. Please excuse the red tractor he is sitting on…we needed something *ahem* not as fancy to pull the sled! Ha!
4) Finally, LOOK!!! We finally got it together to have the babies’ six months pictures, two months late. Amy Davis, at Amy Davis Photography, took this beauty (and I’m sure many many more) yesterday. Amy and I run together (well, not so consistently thanks to these girlies), hang at the pool together, and she just so happens to take amazing pictures. She also sympathizes with me about our construction, as her house is under a big remodel. Her husband is crafting an unbelievable space for her family, and when it’s done, I hope to steal ideas from her!! Anyway, how CUTE are babies in baskets??? To answer very common questions: Yes, they do NOT look alike, but are starting to resemble each other. Yes, Caroline is smaller than Mary. Yes, Mary is sitting up better than Caroline, and YES, I am certain they are twins. Seriously, the last question is truly asked more than you would think.