In an amazing feat of grace and sleeplessness, and through massive piles of laundry, doctor’s appointments, and kid shuttling, Joe and I have emerged and made it through the first quarter of our twins’ first year.
Did you read that?
They have already lived a quarter of the year.
These past three months have felt like three seconds: Caroline and Mary are both smiling, and are so close to rolling over, as they hate tummy time. Albeit important for development, why must I torture my babes this way??? And didn’t we just sell our cows? The past week has made us feel happy, sympathetic and especially warm in our house as we think of our dear friends and all of you livestock men and women out there. However, it feels like three seconds ago that Joe was dressing as a Northern Ninja in his face mask and heavy Carhartts to assist in birthing calves on what seemed to always be the coldest day of the year.
Along the same lines, these three months have felt like three years. It seems like a long time ago that we were up in the air with our house project, and although we have insulation and the words, “drywallers arriving soon” have been whispered, it seems like we will NEVER have our space, that our office will always look like a disaster of storage totes and demo-dust, and that I will constantly be covering up for fear that a plumber/electrician/contractor will walk through as I am feeding babies. Yikes.
Such a strange feeling.
While I know that this year has been and will continue to be a blur in many ways, I find myself wanting to make time stand still. The twins suck the life out of me, and yet are so cute and pleasant, and AREN’T mobile, so I’d like to keep it that way as long as I can.
Then there are my big kids.
We are in such a sweet age spot for the big kids. I know it sounds cliche, but they are growing up so fast: becoming more and more independent because of our circumstances; able to put their own laundry away, entertain themselves and have good conversations with….that’s a sweet spot. Enjoying the holidays with them was happy, and yet I found myself wistful as we have just a few more years where the magic of the holidays will still be the majority.
Anyway, before I start singing, “If I could have time in a bottle,” I’ll leave you with this question, how do you make time stand still? No, I’m not asking for something magical, I’m asking how do you preserve your memories? Are you just a rememberer (because I think I’m using that as an excuse for not filming/photographing everything…in actuality, I’m just tired and forgetful…not just “enjoying the moment)? Are you a scrapbooker? Instagrammer in the hopes it will never crash? Baby book writer?
Help me enjoy these next three months without waxing too much poetic. Otherwise, you’ll be the readers of some pretty sappy blog posts!!