Dear readers,
This quite possibly could be the most crazy time of our lives, and yet, and YET, it truly is still the most wonderful time of the year. We have kicked off the Christmas season with gifts and gathering with my parents last night, where Jack (upon opening a Batman digital watch) proclaimed, “Best Christmas, EVER!” Bless him…he’s just three. We’ll continue our holiday celebrations with a grown up party (and the twins) tonight, and off to Joe’s family for Christmas Eve.
Then, Santa.
Yes, Santa.
While Jesus IS the true reason of the season, and we try to keep that all in the forefront, but WHO DOESN’T LOVE SANTA?
Don’t answer that if you’re anti-Santa…
So, while the footprints of demo-dust are tracked all through my house, there’s a desk in my living room, our only Christmas tree up is our baby “fake” tree, not our fresh cut real one (we have no room…this year), and my Type A personality is rearing it’s ugly head proclaiming today is a “pick up day” (the kids are EXCITED, and I’m still using Santa as a threat…what will I do on the 26th?), I have hit pause to enjoy today.
And you’re part of it! Aren’t you so lucky??
Thank you for bearing with my hormones, harried mom posts, transitions, twins, mess of a life, and construction dust during this year. 2014 was truly one for the record books, and while last year at this time, I figured I would be lighting the fire that was my career and training for a marathon, I have traded it in for populating the world with two more amazing people, and training for a marathon…just not the running kind.
Enjoy your family in these next few days. We all have busy-ness, stress, strange relationships, and heightened expectations that get squelched, but this is truly the most wonderful time of the year thanks to the birth of our Savior, coupled with seeing the magic of the season through the eyes of those who believe in the magic of Christmas.
I am blessed to have this platform and to have you as loyal readers, even though I get opinionated and smarty about 99% of the time.
Thanks so much for reading, sharing, and believing in us. We feel your encouragement, welcome your commentary, and wish you a blessed Christmas season and a happy, happy new year.
Here’s to a less eventful 2015!