Like everyone, I’m sure, you’ve seen a lot of cute pictures on Facebook, showcasing new backpacks, new running shoes, a new year.
We did the same. It’s been an exciting day so far, and it’s only 8:15. My girls headed to school: a fourth grader (who has a new, excited, and YOUNG teacher. I think I could be her mother.), a second grader (who’s best friend is in the SAME CLASS!!!), and–deep breath–a KINDERGARTENER!! Amelia is ready for kindergarten, but is kindergarten ready for her???
However, the biggest excitement (despite the fact that I will only have ONE child at home for a few weeks…before I have two more, but whatever.), is that Joe has headed back to the classroom as well! Yes, Farmer Joe, my farmer, has made a leap into the educational world, after 7 years of “just farming” (side note: I hate saying, “just farming,” because farming is full time and hard work, but when we started our endeavor as a farm family, it was to be on a semi-part time basis with a steady job and paycheck on the side. Hopefully, I haven’t offended any full timers, because, believe me, I get it.). Anyway, Joe started his career 15 years ago as an ag teacher. He loved it. He was good at it. He was moved up the “ladder,” so to speak, until the economy tanked, and schools ran out of money to hire his services. He not only taught kids in the classroom, but he supervised teachers in the state of Illinois, and then moved on to develop curriculum and trained teachers across the country…from Delaware to California to Texas. He presented in front of the USDA in Washington, DC…he was a big deal. He is a big deal, and this step back into the classroom makes me want to BURST with pride.
My dude is a smart one, and it’s time for him to show it to the community.
Plus, he’s pretty cute. Please tell me you like his pattern-on-pattern tie…he wasn’t convinced, but like a good husband, he wore it!!
So the majority of my house was gone by 7:30, and that is just plain strange. A good strange. Although it’s weird to have Amelia, Jack’s partner in crime, gone all day, I’m not the mom that cries at the bus stop. I am made of steel, friends…just kidding. However, I taught. I know that the girls are getting the best love and the great experiences all kids need in school. I loved school, too, even though I cried every day of first grade, but we won’t go into that today. I loved it so much that I became a teacher. I think that’s another reason why I’m so excited for Joe to start his new chapter. As a teacher, I bloomed. I made lifelong friends with my colleagues and parents. Heck, they even bought me diamond earrings for my wedding day…that’s the type of relationships I had as a teacher. I’m so hopeful that Joe will find that bond with his fellow staffers, as being a farmer can be a lonely profession.
This is going to be good.
So, we have a big day, my boy and I, as the majority is out of here. Right now, he’s singing as he watches for birds in his Batman cape. He needs this time, too, before more changes rock his world, but for now, I’m so excited that my people have embarked on another year…and it’s not just because I don’t have to make lunch for more than two people.
Happy first day of school, my loves.