Remember this?
Oh so happy. Oh so free. Oh so alone. Yet, kind of having back pain…
Well, fast forward from that picture to a few hours later, and we were in communication with my doctor in regards to severe back pain, and I’ll spare you all the gory details, but it wasn’t pretty.
He told me to cancel my trip.
I never made it to BlogHer14.
My bags were packed. Every electronic I was bringing was charged. Friends were contacted to meet for dinners, drinks (water for me), and sessions were being discussed.
I was ready.
Alas, it was not meant to be.
Instead, on Thursday, when I was supposed to be sipping decaf coffee with my friend Katie in the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport, I was being wheeled through the emergency room to be treated for a severe kidney infection.
Have you ever had one of those?
I’ve had four kids, and this pain was comparable to the worst labor pains I had with each one.
Fun times.
I spent my vacation time hooked up to IV fluids, receiving sonograms (babies are A-OK, by the way), barfing in front of good friends (Sorry, David and Katie), and being very thankful to be in the care of skilled health care professionals instead of in a hotel room across the country with a potentially dangerous health issue.
And still…
As I was enjoying the comfort of pain meds, I lived vicariously through the friends who were enjoying BlogHer14. It looked like a great time. I’m sure I would have had fun. Am I glad I didn’t make it there, absolutely. Am I sorry to have missed out on the fun, of course, but you cannot choose your schedule some times, and I think this may have been a clue from the Big Guy to SLOW THE HECK DOWN.
So, that’s what I’m doing…no poignant post about how BlogHer14 changed my writing life, or what new friends I made. Nope…I’m just happy to be able to pee today.
And that needs to be enough for now.
Until next year, BlogHer14. I’ll bring the twins.