So Bayer CropScience is my friend. I say that like they’re a person, but the people I met through my experience at the Ag Issues Forum in San Antonio (remember that…like nine thousand years ago, when I was awesome and in a limo and on a panel and now I’m taking a garbage bag to my girls’ obnoxious room that I cannot even walk in to put their LAUNDRY AWAY. Glory days…), were professional, fun, personable, and committed to best practices in agricultural innovations.
So, why not host a coloring contest to promote their Bee Care Program?
Why not?
For 25 years, Bayer CropScience has dedicated research to “ensure the protection of bees.” They have developed several Bee Care Centers across the US and Europe. Did you know what a vital role bees play in food production? I really didn’t. I just hated getting stung. However, these little buzzers are amazing and their role in our ecosystem is bigger than the pain of a sting!! For more scientific, more eloquent explanation, you can visit Bayer’s Bee Health site here.
But, because I’m a mom and not an apiary expert (how’s THAT for a fancy word???), I get to endorse the Bee Care Initiative through the Color Me Bee-utifully contest.
I won’t bore you with the rules, but if you click here, your kids can enjoy a contest and it’s awesome because you don’t have to sent it it…you can snap a picture and upload it! Oh technology…I adore you.
It started on the 15th, which was last week, but I’ve been out of it, so I’m thankful it goes until May 15th.
Just a quick reminder, you need to be 12 years and younger to participate, because, let’s be real folks, by 13, you should be awesome at coloring. Give kids like Amelia and Jack a chance.
Happy coloring!!