So it’s past nine o’clock, and I’m almost too late to write my loving husband his birthday post.
But, I’m going to make it, because even though it’s been one of those days, I now finally have a minute to gather my thoughts and really reflect on Joe and his 39th birthday.
Mainly because he’s gone to a meeting and the kids are asleep, but that’s no matter.
Today was a crazy day, and while we celebrated with many, many renditions of happy birthday , thanks to our sweet boy, presents and candle clad doughnuts in the morning, our day was filled with the usual, and some unexpected extras, so we haven’t had a chance to sit down and celebrate Joe.
And I’m feeling like that’s fitting.
Fitting as I reflect upon Joe’s past year. Fitting and wondering if postponing today’s festivities is a reaction to the year he’s had. Losing Joe’s mom this fall has surely made this birthday hard, it was for me, so I can only imagine what it feels like for my sweet farmer. While his dad did a great job finding a cute and funny card for him, keeping up Karma’s tradition of cheery birthday greetings, this is just hard. And putting it off one more day may make it easier.
However, today is the day, and through the rough patches of this past year, losing Karma, dealing with droughts and floods and cold and snow, we celebrate.
We celebrate my sweet farmer. My guy who never seems to have any time for anything extra, falling in a heap at the end of the day. I celebrate the future that year 39 holds, as we can only get better, right? Joe’s had to endure a lot during this past year, so I feel as if he’s due for a good year.
So, we’ll celebrate that thought tomorrow, with ribs and yellow cake with chocolate icing.
That I will bake tomorrow.
Happy birthday, sweet farmer. I love you.