I’m getting ready to head out to BlogHer ’13.
Like, there’s not a kid in sight, thanks to aunts and cousins.
There’s a bag packed with a–gasp–COCKTAIL DRESS in it.
There’s train tickets printed for boarding tomorrow morning, early, and I COULDN’T BE MORE EXCITED!!!!
Did I mention ever that Ree Drummond, aka The Pioneer Woman, aka a woman who I scoffed at initially (see here…and I apologize, Ree) and now cook out of her cookbook daily (to which my husband is eternally grateful), is the KEYNOTE SPEAKER? I have her cookbook tucked in my suitcase to be autographed, but I sincerely believe we’re going to hang out.
Just Ree and Me.
I mean, seriously, we have A LOT in common: cows, four kids, a blog. I’m certain I’ll buddy up to her some time.
I think we’ll talk about her delicious pie crust recipe over shopping at Anthropologie and Nordstrom, right?
Probably not, but thanks to Mrs. Drummond and the good folks at Illinois Farm Families, I’m off to BlogHer ’13. I haven’t forgotten those at home, however. Besides list making and laundry folding and shoe stuffing into an overflowing suitcase, I am also being cognizant of my husband’s needs while I’m gone.
Like the necessity of a peach pie.
I’m sweetening him up a bit, because I am going to be gone, and because he always worries about me when I’m away, especially in Chicago (he can rattle off the latest numbers of deaths, attacks, and other muggings in Chicago, but that’s beside the point), which is sweet, but kind of weird, too. My point is, the dude needs to eat, and since his sweet little darling wife is out being wined and dined by Verizon, Coca-Cola, rubbing elbows with Ree (we’re friends now) and Queen Latifa (who’s another speaker…and although I’m not a big fan, who cares) and even running a 5K on the lakefront, the least I could do is whip up a peach pie for my number one fan.
So there you go. I’m off for some awesomeness, and if you want to drop by and see Joe, he may need some company.
And he might even offer you some peach pie, with Pioneer Woman’s crust.