It’s not surprising to those who know me, even those who may have just met me, that I’m a talker. I do it for a living. I speak at different events. Even as a toddler, I had a debate over Kleenex vs. Napkin with my dad. When our first child spoke in complete sentences at a year, I was surprised, only to be brought back to reality by my friend Andrea who looked at me and said, “Do you KNOW who her mother is?”
Oh yeah…
This gift can be a blessing, but a curse at times…ask poor Joe. While I am a communicator, a verbalizer, it can sometimes be too much.
However, in the three years I have been blogging, I have completed numerous trainings on how to talk effectively to consumers, those not in the agricultural world, etc. It’s interesting how even if one is innately a talker, you still have to revist the how of communication once in awhile.
This “how” of communication is really at the forefront of my thoughts today. In the past few weeks, I have blogged about some pretty hot button topics: specifically, GMO and HSUS. These are issues that directly affect us as farmers, me as a mom, and me as just a person trying to decipher what is best for my kids and family. However, I have learned in my short time blogging that when you blog about certain topics that hit a nerve, you must be ready to talk back. Not fight. Just talk. Communicate. Verbalize.
We are living in a world where communication is fast and furious, and that is excellent at times. The internet and blogosphere is ideal for a communicator like me, as it offers an outlet for opinions. However, when I put myself out there on hot button topics, I have to be ready to receive feedback that is not so warm and fuzzy. That’s okay. I have been trained, never fear…ha, ha., and I love the other side of the coin discussion. It makes me reevaluate and sometimes validate my decision even more. It’s interesting, though, that because of the outlet and semi-anonymity of the Internet, folks are able to voice opinions, but when asked to talk through issues, such as GMOs or HSUS, there’s often times complete silence.
Like, crickets chirping silence.
Why is that?
On one hand, I understand that we all have opinions, standards, and beliefs that will not ever change. I have that, too. However, when I am searching for answers and navigating through territory I don’t understand, to voice an opinion and not be willing and open and, well, not snarky, to receive information that comes straight from the source, that’s just bizarre.
So, let’s talk about talking.
Let’s have a Q & A.
Let’s air our grievances, as we would during the Festivus Holiday season.
If you’re so bold, ask me a beef question in regards to antibiotics. Ask me a fertilizer question. While I do not contend to be an expert on ANYTHING agricultural, I live with someone who is pretty in the biz, am the daughter of someone who TAUGHT agriculture for over 30 years, and have friends upon friends who are communicators, writers, experts in the field who would love to answer your questions.
Just hear me out…be kind. Don’t attack my lifestyle. Don’t think I’m evil because we sometimes have to give our animals medicine in order for them to survive and thrive, and thus, allow us to survive and thrive. Voice your opinions, but be ready to have a conversation, not a one-sided one, a back and forth.
I challenge you dear readers…this could be a big thing.
Let’s call it, Dear Emily…