You know that commercial that has the lady sitting in her beautiful lodge-like house, deep in the country talking about the spotty internet service she has?
Well, minus the lodge-like house, that’s us.
The Internet is the death of me.
Well, kind of.
I have been experiencing not only actual technical difficulties, but creative difficulties. Time difficulties…trying-to-figure-out-how-to-get-it-all-done difficulties.
That being said, I have had a great week, professionally…we’re in the midst of an office overhaul (and for those of you who know me, only second to the Internet, our home office KILLS me!! However, my new job requires a space at home, and we have the furniture…the rug is down, the 90s plaid couch is outta here, and now I’m just fielding comments from my daughter about how I’m “prettying up the office!”).
That being said, I have a great support system, and my husband, knowing that I am kind of freaking out about this blog, has written a guest post for us.
So, happy Sunday, and happy reading, and bear with me as I figure out how to do it all!!