I may have mentioned in post or two or three…or four…that birthdays are a big deal around here. With little kids, it’s a no brainer. Parties and presents and fun and excitement are always surrounding our kids’ birthdays. My birthday…no exception, I believe that I should have the whole day devoted to me.
Am I right?
Joe, on the other hand, is a little less birthday nutty. He’s happy to have a dessert of his choice and a nice card, but no fancy dinners, big presents, parades in his honor are necessary.
However, he is married to me, and, have I mentioned: BIRTHDAYS ARE A BIG DEAL.
So, today, we’re starting our celebration early. Joe met me at the door this morning as I came back from the gym, all bundled up and ready to check heifers. He’s spending his early birthday morning hours enjoying God’s glory that is making the earth light up, even though the emerging sun won’t help the sub zero wind chills. He’s spending time with the cows before the girls get up and on the bus so that he can have a tax appointment as well as a crop insurance appointment today. He’s coming home in between times to grab a hot cinnamon roll (thank you, Pioneer Woman), but will be back at it before seven this morning because that’s what you do during this time of the year, even if you’re celebrating your 38th year.
Joe is a driven, hard working, and loving husband and father. He’s a loyal friend, strong leader in our church, and tries always to be the calm one when his crazy wife gets worked up over things that are generally not really that big of a deal. He is a person who deserves a vacation, day off, night off, but will never take one, but won’t complain about it, either (see his wife and this blog for the complaints!!).
I’m hopeful that a warm cinnamon roll and a present, which, ironically, is too heavy for me to carry in from the garage, so the surprise is more work for Joe!!!, will show Joe how much we appreciate his hard work and constant love and caring…even if his wife is a little fired up at times!
Happy birthday, Farmer Joe! And many more!!!