Oh my, I wish it was drier…
Seriously, wasn’t there a post here, and here, and here, here, and possibly here that alluded to the fact that we need moisture…rain, sweet, lifegiving, bill paying rain????!!!
Well, yes, but that was before we needed to get our crops out.
No wonder I have a weird stomach…
Anyway, we have had a good stretch of wet-ish days, so our harvesting has been limited. We still have quite a few acres to finish, and it’s hard on the guys, the kids, and, most importantly (ha, ha) me to continually start stop, wait a day, start, stop, wait two days.
It’s getting to the point where I’m finding myself praying every night to bless our family, keep us safe, bring peace to earth, and for heaven’s sake…get the friggin’ 2012 crop OUT!!
Is it possibly blasphemous to put friggin’ in a prayer?
Well, you pray for my soul.
Anyway, this year has been nothing but interesting, for sure, and my attitude has been nothing but impatient in regards to the craziness of the weather, but the seasoned farmers will explain to me in a rather calm, slightly condescending way, that this is the way of this livelihood, so I better just get used to it.
So, while the continuous tractors in the driveway, then out in the field, then back to the driveway makes Jack one happy toddler (yes, he’s now a toddler), it makes for this mama to pop Tums like they’re going out of style.
Pray for my soul…and my stomach!