Our little guy turns one tomorrow.
As in, has been a part of our family for one, whole year.
Where have I been, other than not sleeping?
Don’t worry, I’m not getting the “oh, I think I need another baby” feeling.
At. All.
However, I can’t help but be a bit cliche in considering how this year has flown. One year ago, I was grouchy, uncomfortable, nervous, swollen, frantic, and did I mention grouchy? One year ago, I was stressing about where to put him, how I would go anywhere, do anything, and did I mention laundry? Yikes.
Jack’s birth has escalated our “busy-ness” for sure, but his easygoing personality has helped curb the moments of panic I have as I count four children at the playground or church or the grocery store parking lot.
Our little guy is definitely a blessing, our lives benefiting from his sunny personality. The promise of a farm boy amongst our farm girls is exciting, and now that he is becoming more aware of his surroundings, I can see the farm boy in the making.
Jack now points and says, “Oh” every time a tractor pulls in the driveway or a semi revvs up. His chubby finger directs my attention to something loud and exciting if we’re driving anywhere. He pulls himself up to the window (and fortunately, our old house has great windows for one year olds to view the world) to check the calves and look for Daddy. The four wheeler is exciting, and when Joe comes down the hill on the pasture across the road, Jack stands at attention, watching and waiting for his buddy to come home.
He’s a farm boy in the making.
I’m so excited to see how his personality plays out. Right now, I’m making the assumption that he’ll be out there with Joe most of his days. However, we’ll see, and we’ll continue to love and enjoy and treasure our little guy as he grows up.
Happy birthday, Jack!