Houston, we have a husband!! It’s a lovely, crummy rain day here in Farmington, and the kids and I are happy to have Joe around for a day! He’s nervous, as every day we’re in the field means one day closer to done, but it’s nice to have him in the house.
Anyway, there is a neat idea around the blogosphere, and that is “theming” blogs about family, thankfulness, etc. We’re happy to have been a part of Prairie Farmer’s 30 Days of Farms and Families series, as well as a guest blog post for Illinois Corn Growers blog, Corn Corps, in their Thankful for Farm Families series. It’s fun to link up with these folks, as we have a lot to share, and some of the folks involved are good friends of ours!
So, on this dreary day, curl up and read up, and pray that it does STOP raining some time, so we can write the Thankful for Our Strong Finish post!!