So I have been a fan of Better Homes and Gardens magazine ever since we remodeled our home. I loved to pore through the pages, dog-earing ones that I loved, laughing at the ones I didn’t. I have even gone as far as written in to their “Save My Room” columns, entered to win a landscaping re-do, and even sent in our house story, as I tire of reading the “we bought this random house and demolished it, uncovered hardwoods, exposed beams, etc.” We did that…and wouldn’t people want to read about how this is my grandparents’ house, too? Well…not so much, as I got a lovely, “no thank you” email from them.
Anyway, I still read it quite religiously, however, find myself during this season doing a lot of eyerolling as their harvest themed rooms and decor are quite un-harvesty. Harvest around BHG is lovely, white, crisp and apple-y. Harvest around here is dusty, dirty, cobwebby, and corny (not har, har corny, but actual corn-y). Their white slipcovered furniture would not withstand the grain dust that is currently blowing into my house as I type. The guys are rolling now, in the field behind my house, and as the corn is harvested, the little red bits of the plant are sprinkled everywhere…including through the screens of my windows and onto my dark furniture.
Better Homes and Gardens would suggest that harvest is a time for enjoying the fall foliage, and this year is truly spectacular, but as any mid-level botanist would know, the dry conditions have caused the abundance of lovely colors. Which, for me, means a nervous husband during the month of August, and a completely and utterly obnoxiously dusty gravel road (again, see my dark furniture…what was I thinking??).
Life during harvest for BHG folks is leisurely, spent by their spectacular fire pits, roasting organic s’mores and fresh pressed cider. We are lucky to get a sandwich around here on the go, as meal planning has revolved around questions such as “will this heat up well?” and “could I stand to make this again at 9:00?”
Apples and pumpkins adorn tables and Better Homes and Gardens families frolic in the orchards showcased in the glossy pages of the magazine. My harvest attempts, not harvest activities, have included heading to the apple orchard with the four kids to only sweat through my clothes as I chased them down the U-Pick aisles. And then there’s playing in the yard for us…which is nearly life threatening thanks to the grain carts and combine just feet from the girls’ swingset.
You’re probably noticing a theme…just as Virginia is for Lovers, Harvest is for Whining, and if you’re a farm kid or a farm wife or a farmer, you’ll know that this is a truly beautiful and bountiful time, full of worry, stress and sleep deprivation.
Don’t let BHG fool you!