I was up super early this morning for many reasons: newborn(ish) baby, quiet time without anyone needing anything, the potential (notice I said potential)of an early run to beat the heat. However, I decided to catch a bit of the news…and fell back asleep.
I was awoken by rain, glorious rain, but leaped out of my slumber to go and shut the windows on our entryway porch…the one where we keep most of our shoes. Aurgh. As I soaked myself, shutting the windows and laying down our pool towels (which are kept out there as well), I heard Joe get up, too, and begin to pace.
This rain, this glorious, soaking rain, was coming down in sheets, but was also accompanied by wind.
Scary, strong, nasty wind.
I could read Joe’s mind as he stood in front of our big kitchen window:
“Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease…not wind.”
Wind sometimes equals downed corn, which at this point, could be disastrous. Later in the growing season, it would also be terrible, but the corn could at least be mature enough to be harvested. Our corn is still forming its kernels, and if it were to snap and flatten, that would be bad, bad news.
But, it didn’t. We got some rain, and some relief, and once again, I am contemplating going to monster.com and finding Joe a desk job.
However, as I write, in my soaked running clothes, I am reminded again that we are okay. We may be on edge 97% of the time, but we have yet to fall off this cliff called farming. I might be slightly annoyed with farming some times in my life, but I am not living in a place where my safety is compromised on a daily basis. My children are healthy, and we are blessed to have them healthy. All the things that I find around my house that need a little tweak and a brushstroke of paint are cosmetic; they are things. I’m not standing in a rubble heap after a tornado like those unfortunate folks in Joplin, Missouri (thanks to my mom for her Facebook status to remind me of that, again!).
I’m trying to remember that. Our ohpleaseohpleaseohplease moments are so small in comparison to what others go through, and I need to remember that. My pool towels can be dried, our corn crop still looks good, and all these things are miniscule in the grand scheme of life.
Remind me of that, please? Possibly tomorrow.. and the next day, and the next?