So, I have a small following. I have some really loyal readers, and I forget that those loyal readers are not necessarily just my mother (who most likely is checking for grammatical errors) and my friends.
News flash, Emily: People actually are reading this.
And better yet: getting something OUT OF IT!!
Holy smokes.
I got an alert from a follower (read, a cousin) that I was mentioned in a blogpost. Thinking that it was another friend’s blog, I clicked on it, and got this! Whoo-hoo! I’m on a list with the likes of the Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond, HERSELF, and Amanda Radke, advocate for Beef Producers everywhere, and a really good writer at that…not to mention the Food Mommy, who I think is someone all moms should read, or people who EAT should read for that matter!
So, so, so excited…for myself.
So, if you’re a follower, thanks for reading, and if you want to make my day, mention me in passing…I’ll feel great all day. Who doesn’t love PROPS??
Thanks, Celeste!